We are the
Penn Club of San Antonio, an active alumni organization serving San Antonio,
the Hill Country and South Texas. We invite you to participate in our
events. As you may know, we have monthly luncheons for Penn
alumni in the San Antonio area on (usually)
the last weekday of (almost) each month. We try to move around to
different areas of the city that are convenient to where we all work.
This month, we're having our luncheon on a Saturday. This luncheon is a
combined farewell to Shannon Sauro and Francis Hult, who have been
invited to join the faculty of Lund University in Lund, Sweden as well
as a celebration of our annual Freshman Sendoff.
Saturday, July 28,
Scenic Loop Cafe
25615 Boerne Stage Road
San Antonio, TX 78255
RSVP: sheila@alumni.upenn.edu
Please RSVP by Thursday, July 26 via email so we can have an accurate account for the
table. We will start at 11:30 AM in their private room.Austinites: Please feel free to join us at any time.